My Addiction

I live in Massachusetts with my wife, our dogs Maggie & Piper, and two Wild North American Teenagers. During the Covid-19 lockdown our home became a tiny biodome.

As you can image; living in this human-made closed environment became challenging with two parents, two teenagers, and pets living on top of each other. Subsequently, to get out of the house for a little exercise, without endangering my wife & kids, I took up the hobby of Wildlife Photography.

Once I was able to create a decent looking photograph, I discovered a tremendous joy in capturing light and turning it into a framed photograph.

From starting as a simple hobby, wildlife photography has turned into an addiction. On any day, when the light is good, I am always filled with a keen eagerness to go crawling through the woods, be eaten by insects, and to just become absolutely filthy; all in the pursuit of making one more great photograph.

If folks are interested, they can monitor my addiction at one of these three sites:




If anyone wants to purchase one of my photographs, they can find a couple to choose from at:
